Friday, December 12, 2008

The difference...

Just a quick video to show the difference between No End Connector and End to End Christmas light sets. NEC (no end connector) sets are perfect for crafts and smaller scale lighting projects. Stay tuned for more videos!

All American Christmas Co.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Thanks to everyone who took advantage of our 5% discount coupon. This coupon code is no longer valid.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Christmas LED Lights for everyone!

So we've been making sure that we're going to have the widest selection of LED lights available. We've added our new Rectified sets which are better for using on controllers. There are a lot of new specialty style LED bulbs like stars, snowflakes, and other really cool looking bulbs. We've added more sets on White Wire and light colors. There are new Auto/Boat sets that have a cigarette lighter adapter and they look great when you're driving to see the family...or taking the boat December.

Visit us to see all the LED Christmas lights we offer!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New products!

Long time no post! School and lot's of warehouse work has kept me from posting as diligently as I should. Exciting news otherwise, we are currently adding new products almost everyday so this Christmas you'll have even more option available.

NEW LEDS! We are currently adding new styles, colors, and new feature LED sets. We have a lot more battery operated LED sets, custom bulb shapes, and Rectified sets. Our new commercial Rectified sets, which should be up by the end of the week, are the newest in LED tech. These sets can fade and work great on controllers, they don't have that slight flicker effect that some sets do.

We have added and updated many of our Christmas Displays, new pieces that you can use to decorate your home, yard, business, church, or anywhere else you can run an extension cord to.

Bookmark the site and check back for new products often.
Zach Broyles
All American Christmas Co.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Halloween lights

Halloween is just right around the corner and we have upped our selection of Halloween lights and decorations. We now have multiple styles of halloween novelty light strings, pumpkins, spiders, etc. These styles of light strings are great for parties or decorations your home for trick or treaters. There are quite a few of displays that are great for putting in the yard, tombstones, ghosts, witches, and pumpkins are all available.

We also have orange light and black wire sets of lights available. Mini lights, Icicle Lights, and C7 style bulbs are in stock ready for this October!

Halloween is always a great holiday and while I wouldn't say it's overlooked, it easy to just throw a jack-o-lantern on your porch and say you decorated. Kids love trick or treating and if you live in a area that has a lot of activity on halloween kid's always remember the home that's all...spookified.

Click to check out our selection of Halloween lights.

Zach Broyles