Monday, November 15, 2010

Magnetic C7 and C9 clips

We are proud to be offering the newest in clip technology, Magnetic Clips! These clips will securely attach a C7 or C9 socket to any Ferrous metal (ferrous = magnetic). These clips hold the socket in a vertical (seen left) or horizontal fashion, so you can easily decorate on a magnetic surface without using adhesives, staples, or nails.

Metal surfaces have always been a tricky party of holiday decorating, adhesives and sticky pads may leave residue or mar the finish. And of course nails, staples, and screws are going to leave holes in the surface. You need to be sure that the metal you're going to decorate on is magnetic, simply take a household magnet (pull one off the fridge) and see if it will stick to surface, if it stays put you have a surface perfect for these clips.

Most metal siding and gutters are made with aluminum, which IS NOT magnetic.

Our Magnetic Clips are available for both C7 and C9 bulbs in packs of 25. Click Here to check them out on the site.
