Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Decorating with Rope Light

     Rope light is a super easy product to decorate with and can add great lighting just about anywhere. Rope light from stores like lowes or home depot come in  short lengths, but we here at All American Christmas Company sell rope light in spools of 150 feet that come with multiple power cords and other misc connectors that you'll need for a clean decorating job. Now most people will think, "Why on Earth would I need that much!!" but once you start wrapping the rope light around something those small strings from the hardware store will get used up quickly. We have always had the attitude, "If you're going to do something do it right and do it right the first time." and if you custom cut your ropelight to fit your application using a commercial rope light spool you're going to get exactly the right look with little fuss and hassle.

Rope light is pretty simple to decorate with, many people use this plastic neon lighting for mood lighting or accent lighting. You can install them around ceilings and floors for indirect lighting, You can use colors that coordinate with your room for a great effect! I've seen it even used to decorate behind desks and entertainment centers to add a cool mood lighting for offices and home theaters or even just a normal family room.

You can also use rope light to wrap things you want to light, you can use it around handrails on a deck or going up columns on the facade of a building. It's perfect for these type of applications and will a nice ambient lighting to a deck for entertaining guests or just relaxing outdoors. Rope light is also great for outlining tents for outdoor parties.

Installing Ropelight onto most surfaces is very, we offer a selection of clips but for most application you can use zip ties! Zip ties are easy to use, inexpensive, are not permanent, and shouldn't damage the surface. We also carry clips and rope light track. Our rope light clips can be nailed, or screwed, onto a surface and the ropelight track can use adhesive pads, glue, or silicone caulk.

Rope light comes in 3 typical sizes, 3/8", 1/2", and 5/8". These 3 sizes have a varying number of wire count, what that means is how many circuits the bulbs are wired in. Normally rope light has 2 wire, but if you want a chasing effect you will need to purchase a controller and 3 wire rope light, and if you want many different chasing options you will need to purchase 5 wire ropelight with the corresponding controller.

Please visit our Rope Light page to see all the rope light we have to offer!

All American Christmas Co.