Monday, October 1, 2012

Light Clips

There is a plethora of ways to affix your Christmas lights to your home these days. Generally in a residential situation you want to use a clip that is not permanent and will not leave evidence that you had Christmas lights up.

To the left, you can see an All in One clip in use; it slides right under the shingle on your roof. IT can also be used on gutters or wherever else you can securely clip it. It can hold C7, C9, mini lights and even some LED lights. The brother to the All in One is the All in One Plus; it’s similar in appearance but has a couple more features that gives it that Plus status. The clip that goes around a gutter or on top of a shingle has an extra hook for hanging wire. For example, if you were using the All in One Plus on your gutters for C7 bulbs and wanted to hang icicle lights as well, you could do that with this one clip.

There are several multi-use clips, such as an omni clip, and are very popular because of the large number of uses. Although clips with just a single use are great if you don’t need all the extra bells and whistles. Shingle tabs, bi-axle clips, icicle clips and s few others are all single use clips. They generally only hold one or maybe two type(s) of bulb.

Most clips don’t require any sort of permanent installation. The c-clip, the parapet clip (which works with the shingle tab clip), the mini light adhesive clip, the quick clip and some others do require some sort of installation that can be permanent. Some clips use a double sided adhesive pad and/or nailing down. This might pose a problem for those of you not wanting to put holes in your siding or roof line. In most cases the clips that require a permanent installation are more for commercial uses or year round lighting.

Check out our selection of lights clips.

All American Christmas Co.