Monday, March 18, 2013

Concerning out of stock items

The 3 red words no one wants to see OUT OF STOCK! We try our best to keep our site as up to date as possible and 99.99999% of anything that says out of stock is, now we get questions as to when products will be back in and this varies depending on the item. During the earlier part of the year most items that say they are out wont be back in until late summer/early fall.

We will update the site as soon as we get them back in (as well as the blog, facebook, etc). Our smaller Curtain Lights on White wire and Shorter Lead 20 count craft lights are by far our most requested items that are out of stock. We do however carry Commercial Curtain Lights and different 20 count Craft lights. Bookmark our site, like us on Facebook, and check the blog regularly for all All American Christmas Co. updates!
