It is already almost the middle of September, this year seems to be flying by. But, one of our favorite holidays is coming. Who is ready to do some Halloween decorating? We know we are!
We are very proud to offer a wide selection of lights that will do the job for all Halloween decorations. One of the most commonly used lights for Halloween is the mini light strings. These come in a wide variety of colors and light counts.
The two most popular for this type of application would be the orange mini lights on black wire and the clear mini lights on black wire. These would fit in perfectly no matter what type of overall Halloween decor you decided on. These are also great for indoor or outdoor use, so they are great to use at parties. Your guests will love the ambiance these little lights create.
We also offer a very cool set of mini light icicles for Halloween. This is a 100 light set of icicle lights on black wire with orange bulbs. String these all around your house to show the trick or treaters or party goers their way to the candy and fun. They are fun and festive!
Have a fun and safe holiday and be sure to go all out with your decorations!